Yaupon bag in a cute basket

Welcome to the world of Diaspora Yaupon — Turtle Island Energy

Yaupon is the only caffeinated plant native to North America, known to some Ancestors as Turtle Island. Tribes such as the Cherokee, Muscogee and Choctaw prepare a stimulating beverage from the robust leaf, often mixed with cacao, for medicine, work, ceremonies, and social gatherings. It is considered a superfood high in several adaptogenic compounds:

quercetin-rutinoside – may reduce inflammation and stabilize metabolism

caffeine – 60-75% compared to coffee by weight

theobromine – “the chocolate molecule”, a mood booster

theophylline – stimulating, also found in cacao, tea and coffee

theacrine – popular in athletics

high in many antioxidants

low in acid and tannins – easy on the body

When roasting, brewing and serving yaupon, the Diaspora team aims to honor and follow the traditions of those who cultivated the plants before us. We use only Regenerative Organic Certified® yaupon leaves from small farms in Georgia, Florida and Texas. The flavor includes notes of tea, coffee, and chocolate, and many unique notes such as boba, maple, sugar cane, and red berries.

In partnership with the plants, Diaspora provides direct support to land and water rights movements in our region. This includes an on-growing relationship with the Beacon Food Forest in Beacon Hill.


Steep at a ratio of 1/2 oz (14 g) per cup of water for at least 12 hours to achieve your desired strength, then strain. Unlike coffee and tea, yaupon contains virtually no tannins so it cannot be oversteeped. Brew as long as you like!

For a more complex flavor, place the yaupon in a pot or glass container and pour water between 180-187 °F over until saturated. Immediately pour at least the same amount of ice water into the container. For example, pour 8 cups of 180-187 °F water over 7 ounces of yaupon, then immediately pour 8 cups of ice water into the same container. Let steep for at least 12 hours then strain.

Orange Blossom Honey Cold Brew

Pour 6 oz of yaupon cold brew into a glass and add milk if desired. Blend or froth half an ounce of orange blossom honey with two ounces of yaupon cold brew.Pour the cold honey foam over the cold brew and enjoy!

Yaupon Rose Jamaica

Boil hibiscus flowers and rose petals in water to your desired strength. It should be a dark, purple color. Strain the flowers out then add brown sugar and yaupon cold brew to taste. Cool to room temperature then serve over ice!

Blue Lotus Honey Cold Brew

Prepare a concentrated tea of blue lotus petals. Dissolve honey into the tea until it reaches a syrupy consistency and let cool. Pour 6 oz of yaupon cold brew into a glass and add milk if desired. Blend or froth one oz of the blue lotus honey with two ounces of yaupon cold brew. Pour the cold honey foam over the cold brew and enjoy!

For more recipe ideas, see the Yaupon Espresso page.

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