Latte art in a drum logo next to DIASPORA in text
The Drum 3
Ian and Sophie serving yaupon espresso to customers


A monthly letter on Diaspora’s plant medicines, artworks and the lands and waters that inspire them.

Volume 3, July 2023

Welcome to the third edition of The Drum!

Ian and I decided to bring some of y’all to the local Tongan kava house to talk story and drink kava. It was an absolute pleasure for us to introduce y’all. 

We originally met a gentleman named Nuki at the Pacific Islander community center in January, and he led us to the local Tongan community. We have cultivated a great relationship/friendship with their community. We now source all of our kava root from them and their families. Being able to directly support the Tongan community and their culture is a true honor. 

If you are interested in meeting the Tongan community and understanding one of the cultures behind this amazing medicine, please contact us and we can make it happen. A big thank you to Andrew, Frank, and Joe, the first members of the Tongan community that welcomed us in with open arms and full kava shells! 
On that note, we now have enough supply to offer the following for sale. Members enjoy 10% off.

Yaupon espresso bottled in cacaovanilla and seasonal flavors – $7 per bottle, new photos coming soonHigh grade Tongan kava – $50 per pound (comes with a strainer bag)Diaspora Yaupon Espresso grind – $15 per half pound, $25 per pound (comes with instructions)
Kava fire cider – $8 per bottle (one serving of kava)

Visit the club, email us or contact Ian at (206) 790-2586 to pick up.

Diaspora Dinners, now $5 off for members!July 13th, Diaspora Dinner 6, Mole and ceremonial cacao with Hector, veg options included
July 19th – Diaspora Dinner 7, Cherry Pie with Brooklyn
July 27th – Diaspora Dinner 8, Handmade Stromboli with Dorian
August 3rd – Diaspora Dinner 9, with You???Let us know!
Yaupon Espresso! Yaspresso? Either way, we’re hiring!
Diaspora 8.jpg
Our experience serving yaupon espresso at the SLU Saturday market is more amazing every week due to tons of positive feedback and interest from the public. Yaupon culture will thrive in Seattle! And just in time to take some pressure off the coffee industry
Will we open a drive thru stand? Start selling bottles to all the local cafes? We could definitely use some help! If you’re interested in an hourly wage and a percentage of the business, please reach out to apply. Our next market day is July 15th if you want to check it out.
Any Patch of Grass! And other events…
Diaspora was invited to lead a kava experience at a local music festival with about 600 attendees called APOG. It was such an amazing time with that community and new friends. Thank you to the the incredible staff and founders of APOG for your your kindness, hospitality and letting us be a part of this wonderful festival. 
We can’t wait for more upcoming events like Samadhi Summer in August and Abbey Arts concerts throughout the year.
We hope to see you at the Diaspora house or one of these events or markets.

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A monthly letter on Diaspora’s plant medicines, artworks and the lands and waters that inspire them.